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St Denys Church

Evington, Leicester

Last Service and Trip to Chester Cathedral for Revd Anthony’s Installation!

Wish to join us? Find out how here!

Revd Anthony’s last service with us at St. Denys will be on Sunday 14th July at 10am. All are welcome to join us for worship then and to wish him, Wendy and their daughters what will prove to be an emotional goodbye. Do come and bring your family and friends!

On Saturday 27th July, a coach will leave St. Denys Church at 9am bound for Chester Cathedral, for Revd Anthony’s installation as Canon Missioner. This will take place at the end of Choral Evensong which begins at 4.15pm. So there will be time to enjoy yourself in the city before the service begins.

Seats are still available on the coach at the very reasonable price of £21 per person. The coach will leave Chester to return to St. Denys at 7.30pm. There will be a short convenience stop half way through the journeys to and from the city.

If you would like to join us, and for further information, please e-mail the church office in the first instance at: office@stdenys.org.uk stating your full name/s and a contact e-mail address or telephone number and you will be contacted as soon as possible. Many thanks.

Revd Anthony – Statement from Chester Cathedral

Follow the link given

Following the announcement of the Revd Anthony’s appointment as Canon Missioner to Chester Cathedral, with effect from 27th July, please click on the link below to view the statement issued by the Cathedral itself: https://chestercathedral.com/news/appointment-of-our-new-canon-missioner

Revd Anthony Lees-Smith on to pastures new!

Vicar of St. Denys Church is leaving the parish

It has been announced by the Diocese of Leicester that the Revd Anthony Lees-Smith is to leave St. Denys Church to take up the role of Canon Missioner at Chester Cathedral.

Revd Anthony’s last service at St. Denys Church will be on Sunday 14th July beginning at 10am, to which all are welcome.

Revd Anthony has served St. Denys Church and the wider parish superbly well over the last twelve years and has become a genuine friend to many. He shall be very much missed. Our loss is Chester Cathedral’s gain! We wish him and his family very best wishes as they embark upon this new chapter of their life and ministry. They go on their way with much love and blessings from us all.

A statement from Chester Cathedral will be posted to this site shortly.

Holy Week and Easter Services at St. Denys

The most important time in the Christian calendar! Please find details of our services for Holy Week and Easter below. Everyone is welcome to any or all of the services as we mark this most precious time of year.

Palm Sunday 24th March, 9.45am – Walk of Witness, Liturgy of the Palms, dramatized reading of the Passion story from the gospel of Mark, and Holy Communion.

Monday 25th March, 6pm – Compline, a quiet, reflective time of prayer and bible readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.

Tuesday 26th March, 7.30pm – ‘Passiontide’, a rarely heard choral work by local composer Simon Mold, with full choir drawn from across the city and county, including soloists from St. Denys and elsewhere, professional organ accompaniment and conducted by the composer himself. Featuring congregational hymns to sing! New, refreshingly beautiful music. Refreshments will be served in the parish centre after this service.

Wednesday 27th March, 6pm – Compline (see above)

Maundy Thursday 28th March, 10am – traditional, said Holy Communion based on the Book of Common Prayer (BCP.)

Maundy Thursday 28th March, 6pm – bring and share simple meal, with informal Holy Communion (representing the Last Supper of Jesus) and foot washing. Held in the parish centre next to the church.

Good Friday 29th March, 10am – 12noon – Activity morning filled with Easter activities, crafts, stories and refreshments. All welcome, including families and children.

Good Friday 29th March, 2pm – The Last Hour, a quiet time of reflection, prayer and hymns leading up to the time of the crucifixion of Jesus at 3pm. Deeply poignant.

Easter Day 31st March, 7am – He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Dawn service outside the church (weather permitting) in the Easter garden.

Easter Day 31st March, 10am – Holy Communion in church.

24/7 Prayer Resource, pray through the year ahead

as mentioned in the bulletin front page letter dated Sunday 14th January 2024 – see bulletin section of the website

Advent and Christmas Services at St. Denys

All welcome to join with us as we prepare for the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ

Sunday 3rd December, Advent Sunday Holy Communion, 10am

Sunday 10th December, Advent 2, Christingle Service for all the family, 3pm

Sunday 17th December, Advent 3, traditional annual Carol Service with organ, choir and congregational carols and readings, 6pm

Sunday 24th December, Advent 4 (Christmas Eve), Crib service, 4pm

Sunday 24th December, Advent 4 (Christmas Eve), ‘Midnight’ Holy Communion taking us into Christmas Day, beginning at 11.15pm

Monday 25th December, Christmas morning Holy Communion, 10am

Sunday 31st December, (New Year’s Eve), Holy Communion, 10am

Please note, Holy Communion services take place every Sunday at 10am

Diabetes Awareness Coffee Morning

On Saturday 18th November 2023, 10am – 12noon in the parish centre attached to St. Denys Church, our Vicar, Reverend Anthony Lees-Smith will be hosting a coffee morning for all those wanting to share experiences or simply be with others who have, or know someone who has diabetes.

Remembrance Sunday

Sunday 12th November 2023

On Sunday 12th November, we will mark Remembrance Sunday. At 10.45am, at the War Memorial in Evington village, we will remember those who died in World Wars 1 and 2 and remember the dead of more recent conflicts too. Our act of remembrance will include 2 minutes silence. Following this, there will be a parade including the uniformed organisations, to St. Denys Church where the service will conclude.

Please note that, for those unable to join folk at the war memorial for whatever reason, an act of remembrance will also take place in St. Denys Church at 10.45am, where the names of local Evington soldiers who perished in the two world wars will be read out.

All are welcome to stay for refreshments in the parish centre attached to the church, at the conclusion of the service.

At 3pm, an All Age Holy Communion service will take place in the church/parish centre.

All Souls Service 2023

Remembering our dearly departed loved ones

On Sunday 5th November at 4pm, we hold our annual All Souls service in St. Denys Church. This is a quiet, reflective service with appropriate music and hymns where the names of our departed loved ones are read out. The opportunity to light candles in their memory will be available. At the conclusion of the service, refreshments will be available in the adjoining parish centre. All are welcome.

A ‘New’ Priest Amongst Us

Reverend Mark’s Ordination!

On Saturday 1st July 2023 in St. Mary’s Church, Melton Mowbray at 3pm, our Curate Reverend Mark will be ordained priest alongside several other deacons. This is a very special service marking the next chapter in his ministry amongst us. We at St. Denys offer our warmest congratulations and send our love to him. Several members of the congregation will be attending the service. Mark writes “… this has been a huge change in my life that has also had an impact on those around me and I am forever grateful for the kindness, patience, love and support that so many of you who know me have given, not least my family and especially Sarah, my wife. I am currently on pre ordination retreat at Launde Abbey, with many of those I have shared this part of the journey with. I would very much appreciate your thoughts and prayers for the ordination on Saturday and for my celebrating Holy Communion for the first time at St. Denys, Evington on Sunday at 11am. There is an open invitation to all who can make it. A bring and share lunch will be held after the service on Sunday!”

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