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Last Service and Trip to Chester Cathedral for Revd Anthony’s Installation!

Qyan Arnachellum  |  20 May 2024

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Revd Anthony’s last service with us at St. Denys will be on Sunday 14th July at 10am. All are welcome to join us for worship then and to wish him, Wendy and their daughters what will prove to be an emotional goodbye. Do come and bring your family and friends!

On Saturday 27th July, a coach will leave St. Denys Church at 9am bound for Chester Cathedral, for Revd Anthony’s installation as Canon Missioner. This will take place at the end of Choral Evensong which begins at 4.15pm. So there will be time to enjoy yourself in the city before the service begins.

Seats are still available on the coach at the very reasonable price of £21 per person. The coach will leave Chester to return to St. Denys at 7.30pm. There will be a short convenience stop half way through the journeys to and from the city.

If you would like to join us, and for further information, please e-mail the church office in the first instance at: office@stdenys.org.uk stating your full name/s and a contact e-mail address or telephone number and you will be contacted as soon as possible. Many thanks.

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