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Angels for Evington

Anthony Lees-Smith  |  20 March 2023

Evington’s Faith and Friendship Tent was launched at the Jubilee Garden Party in 2022. It began as a St Denys Church project bringing people together from across Evington’s different religious traditions to work with artists on creating an imaginative and inspiring space for building friendships across difference. The Tent has since been at the village fete and in City of Leicester College during Interfaith Week in November.

The Faith and Friendship group who come from Sikh, Hindu, Muslim, Baha’i as well as Christian backgrounds have continued to meet for creative workshops from card-making to marbling to poetry-writing to knitting. The knitting was such a hit that they have been working on knitting as many angels as possible to give away during April when a number of different religious festivals are being celebrated including Eid, Easter and Vaisakhi. Lots of people outside the group have got involved and have been knitting away too.

If you see a knitted angel (or a rabbit!) with a label somewhere in Evington village in April, please do give it a good home and spread the joy and love with which they have been made. To find out more about the group, contact St Denys Church office@stdenys.org.uk

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