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Lent and Easter 2023

Qyan Arnachellum  |  4 February 2023

Following the conclusion of Christmas with the feast of Candlemas last Sunday, we move to remember Christ’s earthly ministry, leading to the last Supper with his disciples on Maundy Thursday, and his death on Good Friday on the cross, before his glorious resurrection on Easter Day. Mark with us, this moving and deeply meaningful season. Each service takes place in church, unless otherwise stated:

Wednesday 22nd February (Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent), 6pm Holy Communion with ‘ashing’

Sunday 19th March (Mothering Sunday) 10am, Holy Communion and 3pm, Cafe Church. Join the church family in saying thank you to all mothers, living and departed, and receive a gift of flowers or a plant to take home as a sign of your gratitude..

Sunday 2nd April (the beginning of Holy Week and Palm Sunday), 11am, Informal Holy Communion with the reading of the Passion story.

Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th April, 6pm, quiet and reflective service of traditional Compline.

Wednesday 5th April, 6.30pm, A special service of Music and Readings for Holy Week and Easter with full choir and organ, to include movements from Handel’s Messiah.

Thursday 6th April, 6pm, The Last Supper (a bring and share meal with Holy Communion) plus foot washing in the parish centre attached to the church, followed by stripping of the church.

Friday 7th April (Good Friday), 10-12 Children’s Activity Morning, then at 2pm, The Last Hour – a special time to reflect, be still and pray within your hearts in front of the high altar stripped bare, marking Christ’s death on the cross.

Sunday 9th April (Easter Day), at dawn (6.15am), a short service celebrating Christ’s resurrection from the dead, outside beside a warm fire-pit with songs, readings and prayer.

Sunday 9th April (Easter Day), 10am, Holy Communion and 3pm, Cafe Church. Christ is Risen, Alleluia!

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