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Children and Youth Work

Children’s Groups

Musical toddler group

Want to enjoy singing and using musical instruments with your toddler? This friendly group runs every Friday morning from 10 am to 11 am in the parish centre and is led by our youth and community worker, Sarah Gregory. All welcome. 

We have a well-equipped children’s corner at the back of the church with books and games, as well as plenty of paper and crayons.  You are most welcome to make use of this area during any of our services.

For more information about our children’s work, contact stdenysyouth@gmail.com

Pre school and primary school age

Prior to Covid-19, we ran an Eco Club and hope to do so again. It was a wonderful time of hearing Bible stories, praying and singing. Activities included Bible study, art and craft, outdoor fun and working on the Eco Club Garden (with coats and wellies!) At the end we joined the rest of the church to share what we had been doing. Keep your eyes open for when we start this again, or something similar.

Youth Meetings

For young people in Year 7 and upwards we have a Youth Club and a Music night that run on alternate Friday evenings 7 – 8:30pm. Youth club takes place in the Parish Centre, and you can come along and play pool, table football or challenge your friends to a game on the Wii. On the music nights, we come together in church to spend some time singing and playing instruments and worshipping in a relaxing environment.

In the summer we usually go away together to a Christian youth camp. This summer, we will be attending Satellites, a new summer camp run by Youthscape.

We like to work with and support our local schools, and in the past, we have done this by being involved in inter-faith week activities and retreat days.

We run a lunchtime faith group in the City of Leicester College on a Monday during lunch one.

We also have very good relationships with the 19th Leicester Scouts and our local RAF Cadets, 2502 (Hamilton) Squadron. Sarah works with them regularly. Sarah also attends the Cubs. All the uniformed organisations join in with church parades for Remembrance and other special occasions. We are very grateful to the Henry Smith Charity for their support of this work.

For more information, please email stdenysyouth@gmail.com